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Occasionally, other forms of transportation catch Chris' eye.  Please take a look at his efforts at aviation and maritime subjects.

Stop on the Great Circle

Stop on the Great Circle

Northwest Airlines Stratocruiser at Elmendorf Field, AK 16x20 $950 (p)

Down the Duwamish

Down the Duwamish

Newly built Boeing 314 Clipper being ferried from factory to Elliott Bay 18x18 $700 (p)



New York Central tug manuevering rail barges on the Hudson River 15x20 Original sold (p)

The Queen

The Queen

12x15 $300 Tugs assist the ocean liner against the dock in New York harbor

New Zealand Steamer

New Zealand Steamer

14x18 $250



15x20 $500 (p) Lighthouse ship Swiftsure. Now at MOHAI collection in Seattle, WA

Short Calcutta

Short Calcutta

12x15 $250 Imperial Airways Short Calcutta on Sea of Gallilee

Desert Fuel Stop

Desert Fuel Stop

15x20 $250 (p) Imperial Airways HP 42 at fuel stop in east Africa

Third Tail is the Charm

Third Tail is the Charm

Original Sold Boeing 314 on test flight on Lake Washington, Seattle, WA

©Christian Oldham Art 2019
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